Marugitto, Sweden


Header picture by: Robert Johannesson 

Nationality: Swedish
Pronouns: She/her
Occupation: Project manager (web development)
Has cosplayed for 17 years.



How many years have you been cosplaying?

Since 2006! 

What is cosplay to you and how did you get started?

Cosplay is very important to me. It's my greatest creative outlet, and I have met almost all of my friends through cosplay. I started cosplaying when I was a teenager and joined a "manga club" in my home town. 

Picture by: Robert Johannesson 

What is your most memorable cosplay experience?

I have many memorable cosplay experiences. I love travelling and meeting people, so international events and contests are a lot of fun! I am honoured to have represented Sweden in WCS, NCC, and Eurocosplay. 

Have you been in Denmark/at J-Popcon before, and what are you looking forward to the most?

Yes I have been going to J-Popcon regularly since 2007, and it is one of my favourite events, J-Popcon is very dear to my heart! I've loved watcing the DCC and I can't wait to finally get the opportunity to see all the costumes up close as a judge! *^* 

Picture by: Robert Johannesson